Warehouse Permit Cancellation

Cancellation of warehouse permit that is related to a license carried inside or outside the emirate.

1. Wearhouse technical evaluation.

2. Paying fees.

  1. Investor should submit request for cancelling warehouse permit to the Licensing Section employee.
  2. An appointment is scheduled for inspection and visiting warehouse site. 

SEDD branches 

Technical Evaluation: ……AED 150

  1. Payment voucher for cancelling the warehouse permit is issued. In the event of the presence of violations from the inspection Section or the Municipality on the main license or any of its warehouses, such violations are added to the payment voucher.
  2. Cancellation charges should be paid.
  3. After that, cancellation form can be collected. 


  • Customer can submit a technical evaluation request through multiple channels such as SEDD headquarter, website, and application.
  • Register location data to be licensed.
  • Inspector should visit the location in order to evaluate it.
  • Record all data on the license form and evaluate the place is a must. 

  • Trade name request
  • Site map
  • Title deed

  • SEDD branches.
  • SEDD website.
  • Service centers.
  • SEDD application.

AED 150